/* -----------------4/14/2006 8:00PM -----------------
World of Warcraft - Talent Calculator
Tested on:
* vBulletin 3.5.4
* vBadvanced CMPS v2.0.1
Zachariah -
Standalone PHP Shoutcast Status: GZHQ
Info and credits |
This is a little tool provided by Wowhead to calculate stats for Blizzard's World of Warcraft.
- Center Block (width: 375px to 500px)
Wowhead Talent Calculator Help - © 2006 Marginal Team
Link to this build - Provides a link to a new page with the current talent
setup already there! Useful (and intended) for showing friends a talent build.
In order to properly link to a build on the talent calculator page, please follow
these steps:
* Make the build you'd like to link to.
* Right-click the "Link to this build" link.
* Select "Copy Shortcut" if you're using Internet Explorer, or "Copy Link Location" within Firefox.
* To paste the URL, right-click and select "Paste."
Alternatively, you can left-click the "Link to this build" link and copy/paste the
URL from your browser's address bar.
Summary - Opens up a new page with a textual representation of your chosen talents. Nice if you want to paste the talents you've chosen somewhere, and would prefer it written out over just throwing links around.
Printable version - Opens up a new page that provides a textual representation of
your chosen talents. This differs from 'Summary' in that it tells exactly what the
talents do, the required level, and the actual build (7/23/21, for example).
Import from Blizzard's calculator - Provides a pop-up text window where you can
type in (or paste, that'd probably be easier) the URL of a talent build made with
Blizzard's calculator, to get converted to our much cooler format.