[REQ] vBJirc

vBJirc Ver 1.0.0


* Vbulletin ver 3.6.x or up ( didn't test it with 3.5.x please let me know if it works with you )


* What does it do ?
o well it's a simple java irc integration for vbulletin .. it uses pjirc ( P J I R C - the best free IRC java applet there is ) as the java applet. the script let you do the configuration from the admin cp
* Main Features:
o A java irc applet addon for your site.
o Allow/disallow group from using the vbjirc.
o Settings are done from the admin area
o Uses the forum user names when entering the IRC channel
o Uses PJIRC java applet to connect to the irc.
* Time required to install
o 1 - 2 min max


* 1.0.0: initial release.