[REQ] Updated Versions of these Addons


New Member
Cyb - Visitors in Last X Hours
Cyb - Visitors in Last X Hours - vBulletin.org Forum

Donation Progress Bar-Forumhome
Donation Progress Bar-Forumhome - vBulletin.org Forum

gXboxLive - Xbox Live Leaderboard
gXboxLive - Xbox Live Leaderboard - vBulletin.org Forum

Who has read a Thread
Who has read a Thread - vBulletin.org Forum

vMail - Verify Mail before registration
vMail - Verify Mail before registration. - vBulletin.org Forum

Cyb - PayPal Donate
Cyb - PayPal Donate - vBulletin.org Forum

*All these plugins can be found on the forums but they are outdated and I would love you guys if you could get the latest version. Thank You