Registration form AJAX enhancements
What does it do?
Checks for username validity as you type it in registration form
Checks for email validity as you type it in registration form
Checks for password validity as you type it in registration form
Suggests good passwords
Shows strength of your password as you type it in registration form
Points of interest:
No template or code changes. All is done using VBulletin Product API.
Only several custom phrase is used. All others are taken from VBulletin. So, product localization is VERY easy.
All validity checks are implemented using VBulletin API
How to install?
Unpack archive into forum root
Install *.xml file via Admin Control Panel (Product management)
What is NOT done:
No checks implemented for entering captchas as it may seriously lower forum anti-spam security
How to update to latest version?
Overwrite all files by new ones from latest zip and reimport product XML file via Admin Control Panel with "Allow Overwrite" option checked.