Prefix Management - Forum prefix limited by usergroup
What this mod does...
I wanted to limit forum prefixes to just admin and moderators in some forums while allowing members in other usergroups to use them in other forums.
This product lets you restrict who can use prefixes on a forum by forum basis.
After installing the product you need to edit template 'newthread'.
PLEASE NOTE: There are TWO (2) identical conditions that need replacing.
Find the first one and replace... look about 10 lines down and you will see another. This needs replacing too!
PHP Code:
<if condition="$prefix_options">
PHP Code:
<if condition="$prefix_options AND ($prefix_allowed == "unrestricted" OR (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, $prefix_allowed)))">
To restrict forum prefix by usergroup, goto 'Forum Manager'.