[REQ] Poll Mods

Require Days Or Posts Can Vote on Poll
-- Plugin: 1
-- Phrases: 14
-- Setting: 5

 -- Require users to have a minium amount of join-day to vote
 -- Require users to have a minium amount of posts to vote
 -- Two above features can be used seperately or parallely
 ~vBulletin Version
[*]Minium version to use (Min): 3.6.5
[*]Maximum version to use (Max): 4.0.0

 ACP >> Plugins & Products >> Manage Products >> [Add/Import Product] >> select product-x_day_or_post_can_vote.xml

Can't vote in own polls 1.0
Can't vote in own polls 1.0

This will make so users can't vote in their own polls.

Import the product.

- English

1.0 20-07-08
- First Release

This hack is created for your use free of charge. No payment is requested. However, if you would like to donate money for the work I put in to this hack, a donation would show your appreciation.

Sakera's Hide Poll Results
What is this?

I looked around for a hack to hide poll results, but didn't find any hack that suited my needs, and let users hide results for specific polls.

This Modification lets your users hide poll results for everyone but Moderators and Administrators, and the thread owner himself. They can choose to hide the results forever, or to show them automatically when the thread is closed or hit timeout.

Please see attached screenshots to get an idea on how it works.

- Hide poll results forever
- Hide poll results until poll is closed or poll hits timeout.
- Shows a notice to Users that see the results (Moderators, Admin and thread starter) that the results are hidden.
- Moderators and Admin's can change settings via 'Edit Poll'

Template Edits
All template edits are done automaticly when needed. Hopefully this doesn't break in situations with hacked templates, if so happens please notify me what hack caused the problem.

Version History:
[*]1.0 BETA - First beta release
[*]1.1 - Fixed bug: "The results are hidden for everyone but ..." text showed for owner and moderators even if the results where not hidden.
[*]1.2 - Fixed bug: Bug showing voters when it was a public poll. Bug with clear.gif revealing poll status.
