Here ya go:
MCG Chatbox Evo
Warning : The MGC Chatbox Evo is not directly compatible with the previous MGC Chatbox, you must first uninstall the MGC Chatbox. No importer exists nor will be developped.
After few developments month, here is the new version of the chatbox you know.
This new version introduce a big evolution : a new system of commands and channels creation.
Here is a small list of functionnalities :
* Shouts sending/refresh through Ajax
* Edition of chats through double-click and ajax
* System to create commands (import/export xml files)
* System to create channels (attached to commands)
* Usergroup permissions to access the different chatbox functionnalities
* Usergroup/user permissions to access commands
* Display chatbox on the pages you want (options available)
* Notification system upon new message in other channels
* Inactive mode
* Personnalize formatting options and chats sending editor position
* Different options to customize the chatbox (see screenshots)
* Chats archive page
* Automatic chats removal task
* Sticky shouts
* Who is in the chatbox
* ...
And many other functionnalities, look at the screenshots for more info.
Refer to the readme for the chatbox install and to each command readme for command install.
Available commands
The following commands are available :
Included in the zip file:
* Announcement : change announcement through a command
* Ban : ban a user in the chatbox
* Del : remove chats
* Ignore : ignore a user
* Me : well known irc command
* PM : private chats sending
* Team : closer usergroups chats
See this message
User Manual
In progress ...
1. French
2. English
3. Spanish(Luis Romeral)
4. Arabic (vborg : alessai)
5. German (vborg: captainslater - entertain)
6. Italian (vborg: rankine)
7. Turkish (vborg: bocek)
8. Russian (butch3r)
To be updated
Coming soon
Partially translated (missing command translation)
In this subject.
Integration in IBProarcade is described in the readme.
vBAdvanced module: here
vBCms integration : here
This hack is compatible with vB3.6.x and vB3.7.x
Available here : Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource!
Known uncorrectable bugs
* Menu problem with editor at bottom and prompt message in the chat input field
Version 0.4.0 reported bugs
* Channels won't display, see Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource! for a temporarly fix
* Small spelling error in the help : "usergroupds"
* Missing space before the To in the PM chat displaying in Safari
* Menu not displaying correctly within safari : it is displayed for me
* Channels usergroup permissions don't get displayed but still are taken into account
* Other users could see private messages in archives : Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource! for a fix
* FR and EN ban commands files differences (TBC)
* Missing phrase mgc_cb_evo_no_file
* Opera: problem with menu on left of the chat not showing : it shows for me
* Chats sent by non registered users shown in stats while they shoudln't
* Sticky option disapeared
* Command options not displayed
* Possible issue with mod_security installed on the server (Post to help fixing it:
* Shouts get removed when cron is set to 0 while they shouldn't
* Fixed in the next version
* Can't reproduce
Feature requests
* Command : Open url in new window command
* New thread/post warnings in the chatbox
* XHTML 1.0 validation
* Warning message in chatbox instead of empty chatbox when user has to fill in required fields that were just added (not present before registration)
* Mean to allow chatbox manager to view user ips
* Option to allow user to set themselves as automessaging thus sending a custom message at a choosen frequency (min allowed frequency defined in the admincp)
* Try to rework the chatbox display in archives
* Completion system to easier entering of commands (still need to update all commans to introduce the new field that allow autocompletion)
* Change url popup to also specify a text in addition to the link
* Option to show the chatbox collapsed by default
* Color picker instead of dropdown
* Checkbox to hide bbcodes while inputing chat
* Replace he by he/she in phrases
* Correct the inactive mode message phrase
* Correct the ban message : Repescted? Should be Respected
* Let unregistered users enter their name before they shout
* Rework the chatbox code to use json like structure (with jquery for example) to lighten the refreshes
* User something like lightbox for popups
* Add email bbcode
* Change ajax to the new vBulletin standard (using yui connect) with failure handling
* Add a shouts searching system
* Option to log actions like ban and remove
* Implemented in the next version
* gforce75: 40$
* Kaycee123: 20$
* Atlambros83: 20$
* mainframe: 10$
* gothicuser: 10$
* papill0n: 10$
* morrow: 10$
* molieman : 20$
* ForosAbiertos : 20$
* tekInside : 15€
* Zafer BAHADIR : 10$
* The Swollen Cranium : 20$
Many thanks to all those of you that made me a donation, this is really kind of you and conforts me in developping and enhancing the chatbox
If you like this mod donate for it
Custom Rewrite Rules for vBSeo (Thanks to mljask from here) :
'mgc_cb_evo\.php$' => 'chatbox.html'
'mgc_cb_evo\.php\?do=view_chatbox$' => 'chatbox.html'
'mgc_cb_evo\.php\?do=view_archives&page=(\d+)' => 'chatbox/archiv/page-$1.html'
'mgc_cb_evo\.php\?do=view_archives$' => 'chatbox/archiv/page-1/'