[REQ] Liquid Crystal Display

Grinderhand said:
You wanna make this a bit less of a terd hunt and maybe provide a screenshot or link to what you're looking for?

-HAZEL-EYES- said:
i am lookin for the liquid crystal display mod/addon :P
would be for vbulletin 3.8.1
Provide a link, I'm not gonna spoon feed you.
sorry i thought i added the img :(

here ya go sir, but for 3.7, tray maybe work

Upload all files and import the product (product-lcd_display.xml)..

You need a minimum of 2 Lines for the LCD to function. 
Inside the Generel-Settings, 40 Letters are Standard, 
you might have to play with it so the the LCD-Letters do not run out of the Frame. 

To use the Welcome usename/guest in the LCD box..
LCD-Display in the admin menu..
Create New Line,
Textline (Language: 

hello {begruser}

You can change the,,
Text align: 
How to fade-in the Text:
How to fade-out the Text:
Pick the color,
Color-Flash Color:

Then (Submit)

Make as many text lines as you want..
Click,, Create New Lines,, for each one..