[REQ] Idiot Ban - Make fun of your troublesome users...


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Idiot Ban - Make fun of your troublesome users...​

Who says banned people don't deserve a parting gift?

Show your banned members you care by sending them a little greeting - everytime they login to their account :devious:

This is similiar to Brad.Loo's hack in which his displays a 404 error, however this one redirects the user to a set flash animation making fun of the user. How Glorious!

Special thanks to Paul M for the redirection help :nervous:

Thanks in advance
here u go.........

how to install?

1.Unzip the file
2.Upload the file "youare.swf" to the root directory (forum)
3.Install the plug-in
4.Harrass your banned users until they cry :ermm:

how do i change the page i want them to be redirected to? (how do i change the flash movie?)

1.Open the file banidiot.xml
2.Change the redirection name from "youare.swf" to the new file.
3.Continue harrassing the banned until they beg to come back

how can i demo test this?

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