[REQ]I need A Plugin/Product from Vbulletin (Read inside)

THE Leet.

New Member
Hello there vB hackers. I was wondering if you guys could hook me up with a mod that lets you see who has been logged on in the past 24 hours and shows the icons for each of the usergroups? An example of what I'm talking about can be found here:
Axed-Scape - The Home Of Private Server Development
Sorry if posting the link is considered advertising. I'm not intentionally advertising any site.

Thank you for reading.

User who finds it and is the first to post a link to it will be thanked.
vBulletin 3.8 Version

This adds a simple display of all members who have visited the forum - either today (i.e. since the users midnight) or in the last 24 hours.

Note: it is not possible for this hack to count guests.

The main features of the 3.8 version are as follows ;

1. It displays the list on the Forum Home.
2. The list view is collapsable, so you just see the number.
3. Invisible users are only displayed to those allowed to see them (with a "*")
4. Users who should display as coloured or bold etc will be displayed correctly (based on the display usergroup).
5. If you 'hover' over a username it will show the time they were last active.
6. The list is in member name order.
7. The ability to turn it on/off is in the ACP Options.
8. The ability to allow only certain usergroups to view the list is an ACP option (include or exclude groups).
9. An option to record and display the Most Ever Members can be enabled.
10. The switch between Visited Today and Rolling 24 Hours is an ACP option.
11. The listing of members can be suppressed (a simple message is displayed instead).
12. The list of names can be set to be always collapsed on initial view.

(Options are in vBulletin Options > Who has visited today)

To install just unzip the XML and import into vB using the ACP Product Manager.

Template Hook

Please note that this modification uses the following template hook in the FORUMHOME template ;


This must be present in any customised template/style you are using, otherwise this modification will not display.

Try this i think it is what you wanted