General Information
Old threads (no longer supported):
Reputation Displayed As Numbers - Forum
Reputation Displayed as Numbers - Forum
Posted in the 3.7.x forums under new username and to refresh support for the modification.
Don't forget to mark this modification as installed to receive update notifications. Rate it or vote for it if you really like it .
You can contact me for support through e-mail, or right here in this thread.
Modification Description
This modification does the following on the postbit display (X representing reputation gem image):
Before modification:
After modification:
Reputation: 1046
Screenshots are available as attachments in this thread.
Installation Instructions
In "postbit" (horizontal style) and/or "postbit_legacy" (vertical style) template find:
Replace with:
<if condition="$post['showreputation']">$vbphrase[reputation]: $post[reputation]<br /></if>$post[reputationdisplay]
Please note that you might have to modify it to make it appear perfect on your skin. On my community's Graphite and iSkin styles I didn't have to do anything more special, but on Default Style style I had to place a <br /> in front of the "Replace with" code to make it appear on a new line.
Change Log
1.2 -> 1.21
- Fixed issue where reputation amount in numbers would still be displayed if user would have disabled reputation display through user control panel. (Thanks to airborneCAL for noticing this)
1.1 -> 1.2
- Replaced the string "Reputation" with $vbphrase[reputation]. (Thanks to Icy for noticing this)
This is for the reputation Power
This modification adds a whole set of extra checks whenever members try and give reputation to posts.
The main features are ;
Require Positive Reputation Comment
Members must leave a comment in order to give a post positive reputation.
Reputation Power Cap
Sets the maximum reputation giving power for any member, as well as the default forum wide setting, it is possible to set different caps in specific forums. Please carefully read the setting notes on how to do this (examples are given).
Positive Reputation Multiply Factor
Any positive reputation given will be multiplied by the "Positive Reputation Multiply Factor" - See Custom Factors below.
Negative Reputation Multiply Factor
Similar to above - any negative reputation given will be multiplied by the "Negative Reputation Multiply Factor" - See below.
Custom Forum Based Multiply Factors
As well as the default forum wide factor settings for positive and negative reputation, it is also possible to set custom values for specific forums. Again, please carefully read the setting notes on how to do this (examples are given).
Closed Threads Limit
Posts in closed threads, that exceed the given age, cannot be given reputation. It is possible to stop reputation being given on any post in a closed thread.
Open Threads Limit
Posts in open threads, that exceed the given age, cannot be given reputation. If you desire, it is possible to stop reputation being given on any post in an open thread.
Allow or Disallow List
A list of forums can be supplied and then reputation either be allowed only in those forums, or be disallowed only in those forums. It is also possible to stop reputation being given in any forum (basically suspending the reputation system).
New in v3.7.002
User Ban List
An option to ban individual members from being able to give reputation to anyone.
Custom Usergroup Based Multiply Factors
These are basically the same as the forum based custom factors, but based on the giving members usergroup. Note that these will override any forum based multiplier.
All settings are in vBulletin Options > Enhanced Reputation Checks
Unzip the XML and import into vB using the ACP Product Manager.
Points to note ;
* Posts that you cannot give reputation on will not display the give reputation icon/link (3.7.002 onwards).
* In order to give negative reputation to a post a comment must be supplied - this is part of default vb 3.6 onwards and cannot be changed by this modification.
* If a member does not have permission to give negative reputation then any negative reputation they try and give will be set to zero - in default vb they ended up giving positive reputation.
* If set, the vb fixed admin reputation value will still be multiplied by any Multiply Factors specified in this modification.
* If the negative reputation factor is 0.5 (to replicate default vb) then there will be one minor difference, a member whose positive reputation power is 1 will have a negative reputation power of 0, in default vb this would be -1.
* The reputation cap is [now] checked after any multiplication factors have been applied - so no member can give more than the set cap, no matter what factors are applied first.