Here u go...............
Here is a small guide on how to convert games for the ibProArcade
Put this code in the first frame
_global.ipb_get_gname = function ()
var _loc4 = _root._url;
var _loc5 = "";
var _loc2 = "";
var _loc6 = _loc4.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1;
if (_loc6 == -1 || _loc6 == 0)
_loc6 = _loc4.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
} // end if
var _loc3 = _loc6;
var _loc7 = String(_loc4).length;
while (_loc3 < String(_loc4).length) {
_loc2 = _loc4.charAt(_loc3);
if (_loc2 == ".")
} // end if
_loc5 = _loc5 + _loc2;
} // end while
return (_loc5);
ipb_gname = _global.ipb_get_gname();
xx = new LoadVars();
xx.onLoad = function (success)
if (success)
_global.ipb_scoreVar = this.scoreVar;
} // end if
fname = "arcade/gamedata/" + ipb_gname + "/" + ipb_gname + ".txt";
make a new symbol with this code and insert it in the whole frame range
if (yy.savescore == 1) {
if (ipb_score == undefined) {
ipb_score = eval (_global.ipb_scoreVar);
xx = new LoadVars();
xx.arcadegid = _root.ibpro_gameid;
xx.gscore = ipb_score;
xx.gname = _global.ipb_get_gname();
xx.enscore = (ipb_score * yy.randchar) ^ yy.randchar2;
xx.send("index.php?autocom=arcade&do=savescore", "_self", "POST");
_global.ipbSend = function (ipb_score) {
_root._visible = false;
_root.enabled = false;
xx = new LoadVars();
yy = new LoadVars();
xx.sendAndLoad("index.php?autocom=arcade&do=verifyscore", yy, "POST");
use this code to submit
make a folder inside the gamedata folder called gname
make an empty file called v32game.txt inside that folder
make a text file in that folder called gname.txt with this code in it
replace gname with the gname of the game
replace _root.score with the games scorevar
This is how to convert games with the new arcade 2.5.9 and with the ipb 3.3 arcade mod.
Credits to stlmike and Cyber for the game coding codes!
Next trouble with v32game try a easier type
How to convert games for v2games
These are pretty easy
All you really got to with these is clean the games as in get rid of the unneeded crud and change the button from play again to submit etc.
here is the code for submitting games with v2games
on (release)
var gname = "SWF FILE NAME";
var gscore = _root.score;
getURL("index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore", "_self", "POST");
This would be your button code
Auto Submit
gscore = _root.score;
gname = "000";
getURL("index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore", "_self", "POST");
and here is some example scorevar you could use which alot of games might use
a few tutorials. <- Sothink Quicker Converting - How to create a tar! - Sothink/UAE mix(v2game converting)
here is a few games for everyone to use on your forum and look at
Best converting tool to use would be URL Action Editor, Action Script Replacer and Sothink Quicker(for buttons)
Also when adding a v32game to your arcade, be sure you have secure scoring option set to yes.