[req]gwow updates

Here you go....

WoW Character BBCode
This is a continuation of the project, WoW Character Stats *** BBcode - vBulletin.org Forum . I have made several modifications to the original authors code and several have asked for my modifications.

Because of this and the original authors lack of updating the original modification, I have decided to upload this package for all to use.

All credit goes to the original author(s) of the utility as i have only cleaned up the code and packaged it for easy usage.

This is very beta at this time. I have added the product now to force myself to update and maintain the plugin and to share it with the rest of my fellow World of Warcraft webmasters


1. Uninstall your existing WoW Char Code installation. I have changed the product ID itself and it may not update everything correctly.
2. Remove the clientscript/ajax_tooltip and clientscript/phparmory folders if they exist
3. Upload the contents of the "Upload" Folder to the ROOT directory of your forums (for example, if you have your forums installed in /home/mydir/public_html/forums , you would unzip into that folder.)
4. Import the product/product-WoWCharBBCode-?.??.xml file


* 0.4.9
o Added wysiwyg support
* 0.4.8a
o Fixed a php parse error in functions_wowcharcode.php. you do not need to download the entire zip file, just replace your existing functions_wowcharcode.php file with the attached .php file
* 0.4.8
o changed many items to OO code.
o Added new debug log facility ( install vBulletin.org Forum - The Official vBulletin Resource! )
o Added ability to paste a wow armory URL and have it create an appropriate character link (i.e. paste http://www.wowarmory.com/character-s...man&n=Geophery and it creates [char=Uldaman]Geophery[/char]
* 0.4.7a
o Removed some left over debugging statements and info in the product and php file.
* 0.4.7
o Changed the backend armory code.
o Updated caching to not cache Armory results that end up as errors
o Added character class, race and professions as vbphrases.
o Added KR and TW Armory locales. (, etc)
o Some minor fixes.
* 0.4.4
o Added Icon caching to help with slow armory. Images are cached by default in the armory folder. chmod this folder to 777 and icons will be automaticly cached to this folder.
o You can now use the variable $wowchar_code in the postbit (or postbit_legacy) to display the character tooltip in a post.
* 0.4.3 Fixed issue with rebuilding post cache.
* 0.4.2 Added option to show/hide realm if a default realm is set.
* 0.4.1 Fixed an issue if the character doesnt have armory data, Only change is in functions_wowcharcode.php file.
* 0.4
o All Character stat text are now phrases. you will find a new Phrase Type in the Phrase Manager ( WoW BBCode Phrases )
o Added default realm option so one does not need to use the [char=server] option when specifying characters on own realm.
o Customized the stat display per class and on some specs (such as feral v.s. resto druids). see an example at Renegade Soldiers

* 0.3
o Armory Caching works for both US and EU armorys.
o Removed un-used files.
o Put the majority of the codes HTML creation as templates and use vbulletins ajax.php and hooks.
o Added options for default locale (armory) to use (currently EU and US armories).
o Added option to disable caching of the Armory (i use it to test armory retrieval)
o Added ability to specify what armory the character / realm you would like, see usage notes below.
* 0.2
o Armory Caching never actually worked properly, this should now be fixed.
o Remove the includes/functions_wow3bbcode.php file. This has been replaced by a plugin.
o Remove the clientscript/phparmory/config.php file. This isnt needed.
o Major updates to phparmory.php
o Minor Plugin changes + code cleanup.


* Create easy to modify interface for character stats to be displayed in tooltip.

Using the character code is easy enough,
[char]CHARACTER[/char] if default realm option is set and character links is on same realm.
For characters not on the same realm as the default,
For example,
Or, if you want to link a character profile from another locale (i.e. EU realms) , you simply add EU- before the server name.

The same thing applies to linking US realm characters from a EU default forum.

See a working example at Renegade Soldiers - Officers & CLs (This is a vbadvanced custom page using the BBCode page type).

Added German translation for what i currently have localized. Provided by jluerken Portal - Relaxed - Einfach entspannt abhängen


gWoWRoster - World of Warcraft Guild Roster

What is it?
gWoWRoster is a modification for vBulletin which allows you to display multiple guild rosters for World of Warcraft.

If you use this mod, please Mark as Installed, and if you really enjoy this mod, please Nominate for MOTM, and if you really really enjoy this mod, feel free to Support Developer! Thank you!

If you like this mod, check out my iGoogle homepage gadget for World of Warcraft item database searching.

I use my released mods daily, if I find an issue with them or add features for myself I will release updates. If there are significant bugs or simple feature requests I will do my best to release fixes. Some of my mods rely on fetching data from 3rd party websites, due to the unreliable results, my mods will require users to troubleshoot for themselves if they find the addon is not working for them specifically. I am offering my personal mods that work ok for me for you to use, I am sorry I do not have time to troubleshoot many user specific issues. Thank you for your understanding.


* Links to either US or EU WoW Armorys.
* Multiple guild support
* Usergroup access to roster
* Unified profilefield compatible with gWoWEvents and gWoWChar
* Currently requires cURL


1. Download the latest version and upload all files.
2. Install the product.
3. Create a Multiple-Line Text Box User Profile Field.
* /admincp/?loc=profilefield.php%3Fdo%3Dadd
* Multiple-Line Text Box
* Continue
* Title: World of Warcraft Characters
* Description:

Enter one character per line.<br /><br />Format: US/EU|Realm|Faction|Name<br /><br />Example: US|Mal'Ganis|Alliance|Gryphen

* Default Value: Leave Blank
* Max length of allowed user input: 1000
* Field Length: 50
* Text Area Height: 6
* Field Editable by User: Yes
* Other options are optional.
* Save
* Look and see what the field name is for World of Warcraft Characters, example field25.
4. Fill in the gWoWRoster configuration options.
5. That is all.


* Allied Tribal Forces - World of Warcraft Roster


v1.0.2 - Upload all files, import product with overwrite enabled.

* Some style tweaks
* Added options to display external liks to sites like be.imba.hu, wowjuju.com and more.

v1.0.1 - Upload all files import product.

* Initial Release

gWoWRoster, Copyright © Ryan Snook (Gryphon, LLC)
Please do not redistribute this script without my consent. While updates may not be made to this product regularly, I still maintain it. If you have fixes, improvements or other additions to make to this mod, please contact me at [email protected] for collaboration. I appreciate your consideration.


gWoWEvents - World of Warcraft Event Signup

What is it?
gWoWEvents is a modification for vBulletin which allows you to add World of Warcraft event sign ups to your forum calendar.

If you use this mod, please Mark as Installed, and if you really enjoy this mod, please Nominate for MOTM, and if you really really enjoy this mod, feel free to Support Developer! Thank you!

If you like this mod, check out my iGoogle homepage gadget for World of Warcraft item database searching.

I use my released mods daily, if I find an issue with them or add features for myself I will release updates. If there are significant bugs or simple feature requests I will do my best to release fixes. Some of my mods rely on fetching data from 3rd party websites, due to the unreliable results, my mods will require users to troubleshoot for themselves if they find the addon is not working for them specifically. I am offering my personal mods that work ok for me for you to use, I am sorry I do not have time to troubleshoot many user specific issues. Thank you for your understanding.


* Allows your users to enter multiple servers and characters
* Links to either US or EU WoW Armorys.
* Links icons to wiki.
* Choose calendar to use
* Limit use by usergroup
* Multiple server support
* Shows extended character data, skills, talents.
* Some features translated for French and German
* Character data is fetched by cron so calendar doesn't suffer slowdown
* Templated so you can direct links somewhere other than the Armory if you wish.
* Unified profilefield compatible with gWoWRoster and gWoWChar


1. Download the latest version and upload all files.
2. Install the product.
3. Create a Multiple-Line Text Box User Profile Field.
* /admincp/?loc=profilefield.php%3Fdo%3Dadd
* Multiple-Line Text Box
* Continue
* Title: World of Warcraft Characters
* Description:

Enter one character per line.<br /><br />Format: US/EU|Realm|Faction|Name<br /><br />Example: US|Mal'Ganis|Alliance|Gryphen

* Default Value: Leave Blank
* Max length of allowed user input: 1000
* Field Length: 50
* Text Area Height: 6
* Field Editable by User: Yes
* Other options are optional.
* Save
* Look and see what the field name is for World of Warcraft Characters, example field25.
4. Fill in the gWoWEvents configuration options.
5. That is all, instruct people to fill in their profile.


v1.0.5 - Import product with overwrite enabled.

* Used phrases for more text
* Added option to show who has viewed the event details.

v1.0.4 - Upload all files import product.

* Added a 4th, "Yes Late", signup option
* Comment minimum setting for Late and Maybe options

v1.0.3 - Import product.

* Update for 3.7.0 Gold, thank you Kinneas

v1.0.2 - Upload all files import product.

* Initial Release

gWoWEvents, Copyright © Ryan Snook (Gryphon, LLC)
Please do not redistribute this script without my consent. While updates may not be made to this product regularly, I still maintain it. If you have fixes, improvements or other additions to make to this mod, please contact me at [email protected] for collaboration. I appreciate your consideration.