looks to be a dead modification but here you go anyway...
Version: 1.0.1
Boring Preamble
Sometimes a thread gets really long or some posts generate interesting but off topic conversation. I wanted to test the new cool product manager system and thought of this very simple mod to add Fork Thread functionality to the end user.
What it does
Allows the end user to divert off-topic tangents into a new thread, while automatically quoting the original thread.
Plugin: Included
Phrases added automatically: 2
fork_prefix and fork_this_post
Templates added automatically: 1
Templates to edit: 1
postbit or postbit_legacy
Images to upload: 1 (optional)
How to Install
This is a full blown plugin. Follow the usual instructions for a plugin. Then you have to edit the postbit or postbit_legacy template.
For the graphical version you have to insert these lines where you want the link to appear:
<a href="newthread.php?fork=1&do=newthread&p=$post[postid]"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/fork.gif" alt="$vbphrase[fork_this_post]" border="0" /></a>
For the text version use this code:
<a href="newthread.php?fork=1&do=newthread&p=$post[postid]">$vbphrase[fork_this_post]</a>
You may want to place it in an "if" conditional so that only users who can post New Threads will see the image. Just use the same code as what's embedded in the "quote" image.
Updated to version 1.0.1 on 08/18/2005
*Modified to use the phrase manager.
*Fixed minor bug when "Automatically Quote Post / Thread Title" was set to "no".
*Fixed minor bug where after processing the title I pointed to the wrong variable
Preview and Live Demo
Preview attached. Or you can Register and try to fork the posts in the fork me thread.
Graphics help solicited
The quickie image I put together of a fork sucks
If someone comes up with an edited image of the .psd file vb comes with I will edit this post.
Wishlist for this mod
1. I doubt I will have the time to put this together, but it would be nice if there was a dropdown with forums the user has permission to post in so that the user can fork the thread to a different forum.
2. Adding a post to the original thread stating it had been forked and a link to the new thread
Final note
Oblivion Knight donated an image you can use of a fork (Thanks). It is attached to this post.
Ok, if you want to use this on 3.6.8, it works.
I put the cod in Postbit legacy, and the forkbutton in images/buttons
<if condition="$post['editlink']">
in postbit legacy,
post this:
<a href="newthread.php?fork=1&do=newthread&p=$post[postid]"><img
src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/fork.gif" alt="$vbphrase[fork_this_post]"
border="0" /></a>
open the plugon and upload the xml plugin.