[REQ] Cyb - Login To User Account

Cyb - Login To User Account
Version: 2.0,

This will allow forum administrators to simply login to user accounts. SuperAdmin can choose admins who are able to use this function. SuperAdmin can set also who can login to other admin accounts. "Login As User" is shown in member profiles and Quick User Links (can be disabled). Option is automatically hidden in your own account and if target user is admin and you have no permissions to login to admin accounts.

1. Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]

2. OPTIONAL (if link in member profile is not shown)
In template "MEMBERINFO" add "$cyb_ltoua_link_mi" after: $vbphrase[user_options]</a></td>
3. OPTIONAL (if alert is not shown)
In template "header" add "$cyb_ltoua_alert" to the very end

To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - Login To Other User Account