[REQ] Code from vbulletin theard

SystemFiles said:
Here you go m8.

|| #################################################################### ||
|| # Game Server Module For vBadvanced 
|| # Version 1.00 
|| # Author: Warden 
|| # This mod may only be used from vbulletin.org 
|| # DO NOT display this mod on any other modification site without my permission 
|| # You can alter this code and re-display it here on vbulletin.org 
|| #################################################################### ||

Description: This is a quick mod that allows you to show your game servers on the vBadvanced portal page using a module.

Installation time: Less than 3 minutes.


1. Go to your AdminCP
2. On the left sidebar, go to your vBa CMPS drop-down menu and click on Add Module
3. Then click on "Template Module"
4. Now set it up like this:

Module Title: The name you want
Active: Yes
Template to Include: adv_portal_servername
Style: Choose the style(s) that you want by holding the Control key and using the mouse to choose more than one style

[color=red]Note: Go to [url=http://www.gametracker.com/][u][COLOR=#0066cc]www.gametracker.com[/color][/u][/url] and make sure your server is in your favorites and get your IP and Port Ready![/COLOR]

Template Content:

<td class="alt1" align="center"><!-- Start GameTracker Banner --><iframe src="http://cache.[url=http://www.gametracker.com/components/html0/?host=]GameTracker.com Component[/url][color=red]INSERT IP AND PORT HERE[/color]&bgColor=1F2642&titleBgColor=11172D&borderColor=333333&fontColor=8790AE&titleColor=FFFFFF&linkColor=FF9900&borderLinkColor=999999&showMap=1&showCurrPlayers=1&showTopPlayers=1&showBlogs=0&width=160&height=548" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="160" height="548"></iframe><!-- End GameTracker Banner --></td>
[color=red]Note: Enter your IP and port where it says to in the code and you can change the color variations as well.[/color]
The rest of the settings is up to you.

Hit save and continue and set up where you want to display your new module on your homepage.


[b][SIZE=3][color=#0066cc][url=http://www.global-gamers.net/][u]LIVE DEMO[/u][/url][/color][/SIZE][/b]

If you want support, please [b][SIZE=3][color=red]CLICK INSTALL[/color][/SIZE][/b]
Thanks but i dont get a email when i test it. I use a @hotmail.com acount.
Here is my apply.php
$EmailTo = "[email protected]"; 
$Subject = "Join Form From $FirstName\n"; 
$Name = "$FirstName\n"; 
$App = "RealName: $RealName\n GamerName: $GamerName\n ForumUsername: $ForumUsername\n Age: $Age\n Location: $Location\n EmailAddress: $EmailAddress\n Hours spent online per week: $Hours\n Other Clans: $Clans\n Will you be able to attend practices? $Practices\n Your favorite weapon?: $Weapon\n About yourself: $About\n Would you help pay for a server?: $Pay\n Where did you hear about us?: $Where\n $WhyJoin\n IP Address: $REMOTE_ADDR"; 
mail($EmailTo,$Subject,$App,"From: $EmailAddress\n"); 
<body bgcolor="#26363d"> 
<font face="Arial"><font color="white"><b>Thank you for your time<br><A href="http://www.thesigmaclan.byethost3.com">Click Here</A> to return<b></font> 

If you now what i do wrong pleas reply