req Bungieinfo/Xbox Live

Xbox Live Recent Games in Profile Tab
Xbox Live Recent Games Tab v1.3

WARNING! You must be running minimum of PHP5

This vBulletin product displays a profile tab for your members
showing their recent games,status, achievements and more from Xbox Live.
This product uses the API from Duncan MacKenzies Xbox Gamertag Data
located at Duncan Mackenzie .NET
Thanks goes out to Duncan.

  • adds users recent games, achievements and more to a profile tab
  • This product integrates by default with Gamefields Icons Userfields Product
  • You can choose to display as first or last profile tab.
  • You can choose your own user profile field if needed.
  • No Template Edits! Uses plugins, phrases and hooks
  • admincp settings enable/disable/display options

  • This product uses the simple_xml function released with PHP5
    You must be running PHP5 - will not work on php4
  • If you have modified your member profile templates (ie, Facebook MySpace hacks), this Mod may not work.

Reported Issues and planned fixes
  • small issue with special characters
  • increase in server load

  1. Upload xblcache folder to forum/ (or create your own folder)
    You can choose your directory location in settings
  2. CHMOD your cache directory per your server suggested.(777 or 755)
    (If you already have the Bungie Info Halo 3 Games mod installed,
    you can use the same cache folder for both mods.)
    This mod must be able to write xml files to cache folder.
  3. Import the XML file into your Product manager
  4. Go to vBulletin Settings->Xbox Live Info Tab
    Set up your preferences and enable product.

  1. -Import the XML file and select 'Allow Overwrite'


Feature Requests
usergroup settings
template enhancements
style settings
forumid settings

  • version 1.3
    ~bug fix
    ~updated API location
    ~remove tab display if gamertag field empty
  • version 1.2
    ~added tab title field to settings
    ~-changed xml filename to {GAMERTAG}_xbox.xml
    ~fixed code and template error
  • version 1.1
    ~addressed foreach() error on invalid data - added valid check
  • version 1.0
    ~original beta release
Bungieinfo Halo 3 Games in Profile Tab
Halo 3 Recent Games Tab v1.0

WARNING! You must be running minimum of PHP5

This vBulletin product displays a profile tab for your members
showing their recent Halo 3 games and statistics.

  • adds users recent Halo3 games stats to a profile tab
  • This product integrates by default with Gamefields Icons Userfields Product
  • You can choose to display as first or last profile tab.
  • You can choose your own user profile field if needed.
  • No Template Edits! Uses plugins, phrases and hooks
  • admincp settings enable/disable/display options

  • This product uses the simple_xml function released with PHP5
    You must be running PHP5 - will not work on php4
  • If you have modified your member profile templates (ie, Facebook MySpace hacks), this Mod may not work.
    (must be running a tabbed-type profile.)

  1. Upload xblcache folder to forum/ (or create your own folder)
    You can set your own cache folder from settings.
    (If you already have the Xbox Live Info mod installed,
    you can use the same cache folder for both mods.)
  2. CHMOD your cache directory per your server suggested.
    This mod must be able to write xml files to cache folder.
  3. Import the XML file into your Product manager
  4. Go to vBulletin Settings->Bungie Info Tab
    Set up your preferences and enable product.


Feature Requests
add usergroup settings
add template enhancements

  • version 1.0
    ~original beta release