[REQ] - A short list of requests from a loyal site user

Boss_013 said:
i think some one with a Acc in org help you
Stay with us..

thats why this place is so great. the staff is very helpful. im patient, i know someone out there will get to it when they have time.
well some of it has already been posted

look here for google search cloud
and here for google adsense ads in profile
google adsense is attached this is for ads after posts

Added, manually, this code in the footer template
<center> <div>

<td align="$stylevar[align=right]" id="header_right_cell">
<if condition="$ad_location['ad_header_logo']">$ad_location[ad_header_logo]<else />&nbsp;</if>

These settings,

Advertisement System Settings & SlideShow
Code For Your Slideshow :To get the animation use this format
slideshowcontent[0]=["banner1_link", "website1_link", "_new"]
slideshowcontent[1]=["banner2_link", "website2_link", "new"]

Advertisement System :: header & footer
footer random advertisement code.
<img src="head_left.jpg" alt="BLABLA" /> ,<img src="head_right.jpg" alt="blablabla" />
Doesn´t seem to work when a different style then the Default is chosen.

Partly solved by adding
<center> <div>

in the footer template, but still no automatic rotating, manual refresh the page does rotate the img though!

It does work in the Default Style but no automatic rotation.
