Reported Post by JontyM


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Post: Redirecting to MyBookFace ?
Forum: General Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: genbii
Original Content:
I had same problem for last 2 days which my free hosting site Extra Income from Internet Made Easy! was redirected to mybookface


The problem solved after unpublished newly added articles from the site. I'm using joomla 1.5 and my computer is XP,

with chrome browser 1.0. So is not about DNS flush, virus, site hijack, or whatever. It something about words that you

used in your articles. Is very simple, just unpublish all your article, then check back to your site, it will show up

normally without any articles, then publish back your document, done!

This site (Extra Income from Internet Made Easy!) is all about free money from internet. I let people know how to get money freely

from various sites that offer free money just after they sign up with the services. Some word maybe restrictly

prohibited by the free web hosting provider(?).

The question still not answered is why the redirecting to mybookface?