Reported Post by dannyheath


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.exe file
Post: Vbulletin Pack 3.0 2009
Forum: vB 3.8.X Releases
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Dark_hack
Original Content:


- VBulletin v8.x.x all versions Nulle
- VBadvanced CMPS v3.2.0
- Spanish Language
- Miles From Hacks
- All Skins for version 3.8.x
- Nulle Vbseo 3.3.0 without credits

vBulletin: vBulletin is a paid software to create forums on the Internet developed by Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Being based on php and mysql offers great adaptability and flexibility across multiple platforms to add modifications.

vba CMPS: A portal that integrates with vBulletin to display a page with recent items, and other modules.

Language: The language to translate the textual environment of vBulletin.

Skins: These are graphic templates to change the visual appearance of vBulletin.

Hacks: A small program adds a vBulletin for more functions.


* The vBulletin is null, this means that something is coming and install, no problem KeyGen or licenses.
* The Spanish language has changed for me, I added some of the 3.8.x version that were not translated.
* Well, there are hacks in the Products, Plugins, Add-Ons ... etc.
* Only a few skins because I found the work of translating the Spanish (buttons, logos, and navigation bars).

