Report Post


New Member
Hi all

I'm looking for the report post feature in the admincp but can't find it.

I just find an option to create a thread in a certain subforum, but nothing that enables the reporting of posts.

Only moderators see the report button , but normal users don't. How can I enable report post?
solarboy said:
Hi all

I'm looking for the report post feature in the admincp but can't find it.

I just find an option to cerate a thread ina certain subforum, but bothing that enables the reporting of posts.

Only moderators see the report button , but normal users don't.

How can I enable report post?

By default this is active on ALL of my forums.... Not sure what you did to change that...
solarboy said:
Could it be something i the postbit template?

I edited the template in oirder to add post tnahk you hack. :(

Shouldn't be. Unless you put the post thank you hack next to infractions & such....
Oh, boy. Kinda distraccted I am.

It's all right now, I just set a forum to notify a post reported and it appeared!

Thanks a lot.
solarboy said:
Oh, boy. Kinda distraccted I am.

It's all right now, I just set a forum to notify a post reported and it appeared!

Thanks a lot.

You are very welcome =)

Glad you got it taken care of!