Report Bad PM Mod
vB Version: 3.7.0 Beta 4
Last Update: 13 Feb 2008
Version 1.0.3
(By Boofo)
What does this product do?
This mod will allow the member to report a bad PM to the the Admin or Mods that you choose to receive the report. It also has a setting to start a thread in the forum of your choice for PM reports. I don't use that option as I don't think it reporting PMs in threads is a very smart idea, but I know I will be asked to add it and since it was already there, I left it in.
Version Information:
Version 1.0.1 --Initial release for vBulletin 3.7.0 beta 4
Version 1.0.2 --Fixed missing TABLE_PREFIX
Version 1.0.3 --Re-did the PM template to be more in line with default vB PMs
Note: This will now work with both the posbit and postbit_legacy templates. This now is set at ON on install as well as User ID 1 receiving the Bad PM reports.
A big thank you goes out to Paul M for most of the re-write for this for 3.5.4. Also, I want to thank to cheesegrits for his invaluable help on fixing the datamanager error while using the quote tags in the PM messages and helping me put the finishing touches on this new version. Last but not least, thanks goes to Dismounted for his permission for the use of his code for the automatic button insert into the template. Thank you, sir.
Installation overview:
Products to install: (1)
Installation Instructions:
Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-report_badpm.xml file on your computer.
Just click on the Thank button
vB Version: 3.7.0 Beta 4
Last Update: 13 Feb 2008
Version 1.0.3
(By Boofo)
What does this product do?
This mod will allow the member to report a bad PM to the the Admin or Mods that you choose to receive the report. It also has a setting to start a thread in the forum of your choice for PM reports. I don't use that option as I don't think it reporting PMs in threads is a very smart idea, but I know I will be asked to add it and since it was already there, I left it in.
Version Information:
Version 1.0.1 --Initial release for vBulletin 3.7.0 beta 4
Version 1.0.2 --Fixed missing TABLE_PREFIX
Version 1.0.3 --Re-did the PM template to be more in line with default vB PMs
Note: This will now work with both the posbit and postbit_legacy templates. This now is set at ON on install as well as User ID 1 receiving the Bad PM reports.
A big thank you goes out to Paul M for most of the re-write for this for 3.5.4. Also, I want to thank to cheesegrits for his invaluable help on fixing the datamanager error while using the quote tags in the PM messages and helping me put the finishing touches on this new version. Last but not least, thanks goes to Dismounted for his permission for the use of his code for the automatic button insert into the template. Thank you, sir.
Installation overview:
Products to install: (1)
Installation Instructions:
Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-report_badpm.xml file on your computer.
Just click on the Thank button