A client wants to be able to reply to a message by pressing either one button or another button, each one having a specific, predefined response. I'm using Roundcube to display the messages, but I suppose it wouldn't have to interact fully with its functionality. Ex.)[*]Press button[*]PHP script grabs the email address and sends an email via \[code\]PHPMail()\[/code\].The structure of the message in Roundcube looks like this (as far as the email address part):\[code\]<td class="header from"><span><a href="mailto:emailaddress" onclick="return rcmail.command('compose','emailaddress',this)" title="emailaddress" class="rcmContactAddress">Contact Name</a></span></td>\[/code\]Also, there is a secondary email address later on, so the PHP would have to find the first \[code\]mailto:\[/code\] and get that address, then stop looking.