Replacing <span><tr>..</tr></span> ???


New Member
Hi all,

I am happy there is such a forum. I hope I will be able to find interesting things as well as exchanging some knowledge.

I am currently trying to have a part of an XML+XSLT=HTML page replaced on the client (Internet Explorer 6) with a new XML transformed section. There is no problem for replacing <span id="myid"><table>...</table></span> through JavaScript document.all.myid.outerHTML = section with same structure built from another XML document, with the same XSLT stylesheet (transformNode(document.XSLDocumment))... But it appears that with IE6 it is not possible to do the same for <span id="myid"><tr>...</tr></table> because outerHTML property is read-only for a "tr" object.
(I will soon show an example)

So, I am looking for some advice for replacing an entire line with a new one.
I have tried to transformNodeToObject in order to copy each td content, but the resulting object does not contain anything (perhaps because it is only part of an HTML regular file) !

Thank you in advance