Replaced Elements


Can someone give me list of replaced elements please? I'm thinking something like <applet>, <button>, <img>, <input>, <object> & <select><!--content-->I'm not sure what you mean by "replaced elements".<!--content-->How I understand it replaced elements are just that, for example a image file will replace the code: <img src="" alt="" /> I think you've got most of them.<br />
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An element for which the CSS formatter knows only the intrinsic dimensions. In HTML, IMG, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, and OBJECT elements can be examples of replaced elements. For example, the content of the IMG element is often replaced by the image that the "src" attribute designates. CSS does not define how the intrinsic dimensions are found<!--content-->Thanks for the quote Rob, I thought it was in a spec, but I was looking in the HTML 4.01, not the CSS one. I was wondering whether <br /> and <hr /> are also replaced elements. I don't think they are.<!--content-->Originally posted by Rick Bull <br />
I was wondering whether <br /> and <hr /> are also replaced elements. I don't think they are. [/B] <br />
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Hmm, I would think that they are actually.<br />
<hr> certainly is replaced by a line and <br> could be considered to be replaced by a row break char I guess.<!--content-->Ah OK. I'm surprised it's not in the HTML 4.01 spec actually (unless it is and I'm missing something ;))<!--content-->Yepp, it's a bit weird.<br />
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Even more weird is that I just bumped into this link without even looking for it<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Eric Meyer<br />
The <br> element has long been a source of <br />
mystery. What exactly is it? Does it generate an element box, or is <br />
it simply replaced by a linefeed entity? Does it create a line box? <br />
Nobody really knows (although plenty of people have offered their own <br />
interpretations).<!--content-->:D Maybe I should write the the W3C and ask for some clarification :p<!--content-->