I wanted to know, is there any sory of scripting that I can use so that I can simply change one little thing and then the content will change for multiple pages? Maybe PHP or the htaccess file.What I want to do is make an "Under Construction" page for my website, that I can periodically turn on or off. Right now, the method I am using is JS, which is not too effective. What I have it doing is it will replace the body tag's content with that of the under construction pages, and then change the title to be "Under Construction". The problem with this, the function loads after the page has loaded. So I either need a JS script that will load before anything on the page does, or a php script that does something near the same thing. I also thought (if it was possible) the htaccess file would be really nice too, because I could apply it to certain directories. I know I can use the htaccess file to redirect the user (and I can do that with PHP and JS too) but I do not want to do that because I want the url be stay the same. If I were to redirect the user from page1.html to underconstruction.html, then that changes the url in the browser. I want the url to stay as page1.html for page1, page2.html for page2, and page3.html for page3... Does anyone know how I can accomplish such a task? If so, please help.Thank you!