Replace Data In Table

As prices change in my local Access database I create a text file with the entire table data.<br />Then I use Cpanel to empty a table in my database and then insert fresh data from the text file on my local drive. This works fine for me but now I need to have the rank and file workers do the same task.<br /> Does anyone know of a PHP script that will accomplish the task without asking the worker for any user input of any kind?<br /><br />thanks<!--content-->
I am guessing that you could create an easy php script that would pickup any file in a particular folder and insert it into the database for you. You could get the script to empty the table first and you can password protect the folder. As such, you would have to build that kind of script, but I am sure with a bit of hunting there is one out there for you.<br /><br />I don't know if its any help, there used to be a script called table manager which may allow simple access to the database, you would have to check it out though to see if it fits the bill<br /><br />JimE<!--content-->
So you dump data out of your Access database into a text file, and then you upload that data into a MySQL database?<br /><br /><!--coloro:#999--><span style="color:#999"><!--/coloro--><i><b>*TCH-Tim</b> recalls seeing a post about this exact same thing not too long ago and is off to find it.</i><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--content-->
Found it. <a href="" target="_blank">This program</a> from BullZip looks like it might do what you need it to do. There's an initial setup process to tell it where your Access and MySQL databases are and what you want to transfer. If you use the command line interface function you could create a simple one-click batch file for your users to click on.<br /><br />Just keep in mind that if you ask it to store passwords it does so in plain text. And you might want to try it all out on test databases first.<br /><br />I've not actually used this program before so I can't give my personal recommendation. If you do end up using it, please drop back here to let us know how it worked out.<!--content-->
Thanks I'll look into the program. At the same time I am pursuing a PHP method. I have found an easy way to delete all of the old data. I know it's just basic SQL but so am I. Next I have a script that would parse a text file and insert the data into the database. I am shooting for a no password, no brainer, click you are done method. Some of the people in the office here are still having trouble with the concept of "more than one window open at the same time". So less is more.<br /><br />thanks<!--content-->
Once you have the text file it should be easy enough to parse it and insert it into the MySQL table. It's the getting it out of Access and into a text file that makes the "one click" thing a little tough. Keep us posted anyway.<!--content-->