Repairing a site


I'm tring to repair a site for a company who's web developer ditched them. If you visit <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> you will see the run time error expected ';' ?? Any suggestions.<!--content-->with ie 5.5, win2000 I didn't get a runtime error.<!--content-->i'm using ie 5.5 and NT4 and no runtime error was recived, however there are a few errors in the code. are your plans to continue to produce the pages using XML (almost looks like an excell file to html) or will you be entering the data for the tables statically?, or using another type of database?<br />
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if you would like the current code twisted around so everything works, just ask<br />
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helping the world to fear monkies<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->the code giving you the problem is at the final 15 lines or so of the html. remove this section and all should display properly!:D<br />
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<P><CENTER><SCRIPT language="Javascript"><!-- The following line of code must be on one line, it can not wrap // -->document.write('<IMG <br />
SRC="'+escape(document.referrer)+'"<br />
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chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->This is done in static tables.<br />
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I will look at the line you are referring to pixelmonkey and see is that helps, thanks<!--content-->Or just try putting the code on one line like the commment says......<br />
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Regards,<br />