RentACar.xsd Schema


Staff member

I wann start to write a RentACar.xsd schema
from way may I begin

It has rquirements:

1. Create a RentACar.xsd Schema that allows for the following:
a. Car Type (Standard,Economical,Full-Size,Luxury) with attributes of either (CHILD
b. Name (First Last)
c. Pickup Date
d. Location of Pickup (City,State)
e. Return Date
f. Location of Return (City,State)
2. The target namespace for the schema will be <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
3. The elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault attribute will be 搖nqualified?
4. Using the RentACar.xsd Schema,create a RentACar.xml document.
5. The RentACar.xml should contain three books with the following info:
a. Type:Luxury Car with Child Seats.
Name:Ernest Hemingway.
Pickup:4/4/2004 at Atlanta,GA
Return:20/4/2004 at Atlanta,GA
b. Type:Standard with Portable Phones.
Name:Jane Austen
Pickup: 4/4/2004 at Seattle,WA
Return: 20/4/2004 at Atlanta,GA
c. Type:Economical with Neverlost Navigational System.
Name:Tom Cruise
Pickup: 4/4/2002 at Chicago,IL
Return: 20/4/2002 at Springfield,IL
6. The RentACar.xml should validate against the RentACar.xsd.
7. The RentACar.xml should be a well-formed document.
8. make 2 style sheets with different names:homework3.xsl and rentACar.xsl 2.
9. in homework3.xsl,display some text to indicate your name and Stu#so it抯 easy
10. for the grader to identify you.
11. use either xsl:include or xsl:import mechanism to include the rentACar.xsl
12. in rentACar.xsl,do the following:
a. Make a table of all the cars which includes columns like type,name,pickup
date,return date ?br />
b. Sort the cars based on pick up date
c. Highlight all the return date
d. If you see Tom Cruise, highlight the entire row
13. Modify RentACar.xsd to age and driving license number.
14. Delete the first block from RentACar.xml.

ANy hELp will be apprieciated tOo mUch