I'm having issues with rendering the content of the XML tag from my Wordpress RSS feed. Here's my code to display the last 2 posts which I draw in from the controller:\[code\]<h3>Check out our latest blog posts:</h3> <% unless @latest_blog_posts.nil? %> <% @latest_blog_posts.each do |post| %> <% if nil != post && post.respond_to?pubDate) %> <h4><%= link_to post.title, post.link, :target => "_blank" %> (by: <%= post.dc:creator %> - <%= time_ago_in_words(post.pubDate) %> ago)</h4> <%= (post.description).slice!(0, 195).html_safe %>[...] <% end %> <% end %> <% else %> <p>Woops, looks like there's no posts to show. Sorry about that.</p> <% end %>\[/code\]The tag gives an error due to the ":" in the tag. I've tried using another variable and rendering the contains in a string:\[code\]article_author = '#{post.dc:creator}'\[/code\]That renders "#{post.dc:creator}" in the view (I thought it would but I gave it a try anyway). Does anyone have a solution to this? Thanks.