Rendering differences in chrome 26.0.1410.43 from older versions


New Member
My website was working properly in firefox opera and chrome (I don't have IE so I am not sure about that-since I am using fedora linux 18). After a recent update of chrome(at most a month old) the page was not rendering correctly.Does anybody know what changed? I am suspecting that something changed in the way the box model is interpreted because I am using display:table-cell in this way:\[code\] <div id="midboxmidleft" style="display: table;"> <div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%;"> <div id="sideleft"> <ul> <li>blahblah</li> <li>blahblah</li> <li>blahblah</li> <li>blahblah</li> <li>bla blah</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div>\[/code\]...Same on the right (in order to achieve vertical centering) I also because some of the awkwardness happens on mouse over I want to mention that I am using this css as well:\[code\]li :hover{background-color:#fff;-moz-opacity:.500;filter:alpha(opacity=50);opacity:.50;}\[/code\]The markup was validated successfully. For the CSS validatation there exist some errors reported but I don't think they are an issue.Here is a link to my website if you want to check the problem.I would suggest to check it with java-script disabled as this reflects the state of the validated page.The key point to this issue would be to figure out what changed in Chrome recently that caused this issue(since my code is validated but I might still be wrong). If you know where I can find change-logs about the rendering engine used let me know.Any help is appreciated!