Removing Space in tables.


There is this ugly blank space by the banner on left hand side of screen. I just cannot get rid of it, i have tried cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 and so forth what am i missing... I want the image to aligning left with no spacing between table border and the image itself, but there is aprox. 5 pixel space that i cannot seem to be able to remove.<br />
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Any ideas, suggestions?<br />
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here is link <br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
or if that didnt work <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
I have attached the code of the page below.<br />
<br />
Thank You for your help already.<!--content-->Mke sure the cell is at 100%. This should be in the <td> tag, it should look like this:<br />
<td width="100%"> also maybe you did this, I just didn't look close enough but you should align the image to the left.<br />
Good Luck,<br />
Paul<!--content-->Tried that. code looked something like<br />
<br />
<td width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="black" bordercolor="#AAAAAA"><br />
<br />
<imgsrc="" align="left"><br />
<br />
And still the little black stripe was right by the border on left hand side by the banner :(<br />
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Weirdness. I have no idea what is causing that.<br />
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Thanks for your reply Hacker i appreciate the input and concern.<!--content-->Have you tried adding this bit of code to your styles section? It seems to work for me. <br />
<br />
img {margin:0}<br />
<br />
I hope it solves your problem for you. :)<!--content--><img src="" align="left"><br />
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take that out, in bold.<!--content-->Scoutt,<br />
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Thanks your method worked, but i had the top portion all messed up because of the dhtml script thats on top right corner :)... oh well im done worrying about that for now hehe.<br />
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Thank you for responses thought i much appreciate the help.<!--content-->