Removing Primefaces CSS layout from JSF page


New Member
I have a JSF page with from. I also use Primefaces. At the bottom of the page I have two buttons which execute the JSF form:\[code\]<div id="settingstwodivthree" style="width:400px; height:60px; position:absolute; background-color:transparent; top:380px; left:800px"> <p:commandButton value=" Settings" id="ajax" actionListener="#{GeneralController.updateDBSettings}" rendered="true" update="growl,settingsupdate"/> <p:commandButton value=" Settings" id="defaultsettings" actionListener="#{GeneralController.defaultSettings}" rendered="true" update="settingsupdate"/> </div> \[/code\]When I add Primefaces into the JSF page the default layout of the button is changed. It seems that css file from Primefaces is overriding the layout of the buttons.I added this into the \[code\]web.xml\[/code\] file:\[code\]<context-param> <param-name>primefaces.THEME</param-name> <param-value>none</param-value></context-param>\[/code\]But the problem is still there. Is there any way some how to disable the css overriding?