Removing php extension from XML sitemap generator

My developer is out for holidays and I'm trying to figure out how to remove php extension from my XML sitemap generator.Here's the code that's needs to be changed:\[code\] //remaining main pages:$pages=array();$query="SELECT DISTINCT strona FROM `sites_table`";if($result=$GLOBALS['mysql']->query($query)){ $i=0; while($row=$result->fetch_assoc()) { if($row['site']!="/index.php") { $pageName=substr($row['site'],1); array_push($pages,$pageName); write(insertIntoTemplate($pageName,"0.8","hourly")); } } $result->free();}else echo $dbErrorMsg;\[/code\]The MySQL query just prints the array of sites like: news.php, sports.php, politics.php etc.All I need is just remove this .php extension ;) I've did that already with special .htaccess file but now I need to just inform Google that I'm using non .php sites.