I am trying to delete the pose duration from the XML, however, I tried and couldn't do it. Attached is the XML before its' deleted, and how I wish it to appear once it's deleted.Pretty much, if a user passes a specific image_id, I want to delete that entire entry.Here is the XML:
and after the deletion:
My attempt is here:\[code\]Document dom = parser.getDocument();int val = 0;for(int j = 0; j<dom.getElementsByTagName("animation_sequence").getLength(); j++){ NamedNodeMap attributes = dom.getElementsByTagName("pose").item(j).getAttributes(); for (int a = 0; a < attributes.getLength(); a++) { Node theAttribute = attributes.item(a); if(PoseSelectionListener.imageIDOfSelectedPose.equalsIgnoreCase(attributes.item(1).getNodeValue().toString())) { val = a; } attributes.removeNamedItem(dom.getElementsByTagName("pose").item(val).getAttributes().item(1).getTextContent()); } }\[/code\]