So I own which is being hosted by my school. However because of a configuration error on my part when setting up the site, Google indexes both my Site and my site's IP. Which is just a little annoying since the IP has a higher page rank.Is there any way that I can get Google to remove the IP version of my site easily? I'm not sure of the best way to go about that. I don't care about the page rank that has built up, after that goes away it won't compete with the real site (They are very close to each other.)Any ideas?Do a 301 redirect from the ip address to the domain.Google and the others will pick up the 301 redirect and put focus on the correct adddress, your domain.The 301 redirect will pass the pagerank from the ip address to the domain, so nothing is lost.This will also sort out the dupe content problem your setup maybe giving you, whiich in turn can effect ranking.I think that checking by IP and cookie would be a good idea. I would imagine that google is using the IP address to detect click fraud but they can do that off line. Do you think that the performance will be ok when the database is loaded? If it's acceptable then I'm interested in pursuing that.