Removing Frames


Hi Everyone,<br />
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I need to be able to remove frames from a html web page so that I can send it as an html email using outlook/outlook express. I am new to html and want to know if this is possible. If so, what's the easiest way to go about it?<br />
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Cheers<br />
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Paul<!--content-->Try not to use frames at all in any web pages.<br />
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Problem solved :D<!--content-->The problem is that the web page that I am trying to email has already been designed by someone else using frames. I need to be able to remove the frames from the web page so that I can send it via email frame free.<br />
Any other ideas??<!--content-->I dont think that it will be possable. The site will be dependant on the frames to such an degree that it might be even impossable to display them in they way you want.<br />
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The person who designed the site is the one that you need to talk to.<br />
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Good luck :D<!--content-->do you want to email the whole page, or just send the main content?<!--content-->Thanks for your help Creative666.<br />
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Cheers<br />
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Paul<!--content-->That's strange, Horus_Kol, your post seems to have got ahead of mine even though yours wasn't visible when I posted. You must have got in just before me!! Anyway regarding your question I would like to send as much of the page as possible, although the page looks like it is made up of numerous frames.<br />
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Cheers<br />
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Paul<!--content-->the only part of a framed site that has anything to do with frames in the index.html page. you can send any page to an email as long as the page doesn't load in frames no matter what. tha tmenas it loads a javascript that detects tht it isn't in frames and puts it in.<!--content-->