removing data from regular expression


New Member
Here is my code for getting image data from a text file:\[code\]while (!feof($fh)) { $line = fgets($fh); $lines[] = $line; $match1 ="/^[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3}/"; $match2 = "/[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},(?:,?[0-9]{1,3})*(?:\.[0-9]{1,10})?\b/"; $parts = preg_match($match1, $line, $regs); $parts2 = preg_match($match2, $line, $regs2); foreach($regs as $key => $lame) { $lamer[] = $lame; } foreach($regs2 as $key => $lame2) { $lamer2[] = $lame2; }}\[/code\]The first preg_match gets the coords, and second gets the rgba() data.I'm trying to put this into a javascript array but I am getting this error:\[code\]SyntaxError: too many constructor arguments\[/code\]I assume it's too much data for the javascript array.Now I am wondering how or if I can skip data in the array, namely the the coordsthat have a rgba with 0 alpha, which would mean that I would have to skip both.I'm also wondering if I should try to combine the two matches into one to see if that would make it easier, but I'm not sure how to do that.Here's the data I am working with that is a 300x180 image:41,6: (255,255,255, 0) #FFFFFF00 srgba(255,255,255,0)42,6: (255,255,255, 0) #FFFFFF00 srgba(255,255,255,0)90,35: ( 77, 80, 12, 98) #4D500C62 srgba(77,80,12,0.384314)91,35: ( 95, 99, 13, 78) #5F630D4E srgba(95,99,13,0.305882)92,35: ( 96, 99, 31, 90) #60631F5A srgba(96,99,31,0.352941)93,35: (106,110, 14, 68) #6A6E0E44 srgba(106,110,14,0.266667)94,35: ( 95, 99, 13, 78) #5F630D4E srgba(95,99,13,0.305882)