removeEventListener with Unique Anonymous Function


New Member
I have an object that generates HTML elements that are also connected with an array of the object, and let us say we have one instance of it. So as it creates the elements it also assigns the following event listener to a nested part of the element (the class being uploadDelete).Now this event listener needs to call the delete method of the instance of the object that created it, with the value of i assigned at its creation. Because events are under Window, the instance needed to be passed to an anonymous function along with the i value. This therefore assigns a very unique function to the event, and because the delete method will be destroying the element containing the listener I would like to remove it first; from what I've read it could cause leaks otherwise(?). I'm also using Strict Mode, so not arguments.callee.\[code\]file.display.getElementsByClassName('uploadDelete')[0].addEventListener('click',(function(that,i){ return function() { that.delete(i); };})(this,i), false);\[/code\]I've tried many different things, but when I started having an anonymous function inside of a function inside of a function which is then called in the listener, I figured I should just ask on here. I might have a solution to the overall problem, changing other code, but it would still help if this could be answered.