Remove space between FieldLabel and Radio Buttons in


New Member
I am having a problem with the radiogroup FieldLabel because when I dont have the field label in the same column, all the radio buttons are fine and grouped together, but I need the field label to be above all 3 buttons in 1 column. But when i put them in 1 column, all the radio buttons get spaced out. And me and my friend have tried everything to remove the spaces but cant figure it out.
\[code\] <ext:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Title="Step 1: Choose date span and set spans" Region="North" Height="200" Width="400" MinWidth="225" MaxWidth="400"> <Items> <ext:Container runat="server" Layout="RowLayout" Height="200"> <Items> <ext:RadioGroup runat="server" ID="ChooseSpan" FieldLabel="Choose Date Span" Selectable="true" ColumnsNumber="1" LabelAlign="Top" LabelPad="1"> <Items> <ext:Radio ID="RadioAll" runat="server" BoxLabel="Show All" InputValue="" /> <ext:Radio ID="RadioMonth" runat="server" BoxLabel="Choose Date Range(By Month)" InputValue="" /> <ext:Radio ID="RadioDate" runat="server" BoxLabel="Choose Date Range(By Dates)" InputValue="" /> </Items> </ext:RadioGroup> </Items> </ext:Container> </Items> </ext:Panel>\[/code\]