Remove drop down box


I have a script which works well for me but i wish to change the page jump box to a normal list of links, having looked at the code and seen that it is somewhat above my level, i was hoping somebody in here maybe able to help me, i have listed the code below, the javascript that is called in the script is listed below the code, but in the script it is in fact at the top of the page.

<form method="POST" name="links">
<tr><td width="50%" valign="top">

<br><select name="link_select">
<P><option value="index.php">View all products

$cartFile = File("dbase.txt");
$length = sizeof($cartFile);
$i = 1;
while ($i < $length) {

list($categ) = explode("|",$cartFile[$i]);

if (!$lookupAr[$categ]) {
$lookupAr[$categ] = 1;
$categ2 = "$categ";
$categ = ereg_replace("&","%26",$categ);
$categ = ereg_replace(" ","%20",$categ);
echo "<option value=\"index.php?cat=$categ\">$categ2 \n";
<input type="button" value="go" onClick="jumpto()">


function jumpto(){
location = document.links.link_select.options[document.links.link_select.selectedIndex].value

Thanks in advance

Michaelyou just want to change from a jumpbox to a normal list of links? that's all?

just take out the form element, and change the option elements to anchors.
<a href=\"index.php?cat=$categ\">$categ2</a>Thanks for that, Really simple when you know how

