Remove Copyright In Any Version of vBulletin - A GOLD TRICK


New Member
Hey Today is a lucky day I was just playing with vbulletin and got this method. It's simple and clean. Enjoy boys!

Step1: Go to AdminCP
Step2: then to Languages & Phrases
Step3: Now to Search For Phrases

Here is the Key Point....

Step4: Now Search For > Copyright ©2000

Here is the Result Like this GOLD shot


Step5: Now choose Edit and Fill your rights info!

Don't forget to say thanks!
remeber is correct, removing the copyright is one of the givaways that you may be running a nulled version. removing the browser title is fine but I would suggest not removing the footer copyrights.
it's your choice there are so many other ways to catch your nulled script, afterall it's nulled.
xprj said:
okay respected members tell me you liked it or not?
Your post is fine, its relevent and helpful to some members

Once you have spent more time here you will realise I simply warn members of potental issues/problems that may occur doing something, but enevatibly its upto them to heed the warning or not ;)
nice trick...:)

Hoxxy said:
remeber is correct, removing the copyright is one of the givaways that you may be running a nulled version. removing the browser title is fine but I would suggest not removing the footer copyrights.

i do agree with u...better not to reomve it..
ForumKaBaap said:
Well.. if you remove the copyright info.. there is no benefit except to provoke some prying eyes to report nulled version :P

agar ke vbulletin version mein copyright notice nahi to iska matlab hai ki vbulletin nulled hai, stop joking!!!