Remoting from ASP.NET web application to Remote object


I did some searching and could not locate any similar issues, so if this is a duplication I apologize in advance.

What would cause a web application to max out the CPU processor to 100% after RemotingConfiguration.Configure is called? The web application is ASP.NET 2.0 RC hosted in IIS 6.0 in an isolated Application Pool. As soon as the call to configure remoting, the Application Pool process (w3wp.exe) maxes out the processor time to 100%. Very weird, so I removed all of the remoting code (e.g. creating and using remote objects) only leaving the .Configure statement and got the same effect (CPU 100%). Taking out the call to .Configure solves the problem and IIS serves the pages, albeit with no data, normally with very little processor load.

It's just some weird behavior and I believe that maybe I have a setting wrong since I am using ASP.NET as a remoting client, but in this case my application client must be thin and multiplatform and our business layer is accessible only through remoting. Web services are not an option to communicate with the business tier in this case either.

Anyone else experienced this behavior before? Any ideas?


Imran Hashmi
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