Reload the html to display the info


New Member
I have a web page in html5 that read an xml and display the info in there. The page is written in jquery.This is my xml: xmlThis is my html5: htmlI can read perfectly the html5 (that was hard to me) but when I want to display it, I have to reload the page to see the info, because at first I see nothing! :(Can someone help me please?Thanks a lot!p.s. I usually open it on firefox as safari and chrome do not open it. (I think because of my configuration)\[code\]var xml;$(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "base_es.xml", dataType: "xml", success: xmlParser });});//loading XML file and parsing to .main div.function xmlParser(data) { xml = data; $('#load').fadeOut(); $(xml).find("fac").each(function () { name = $(this).attr("id"); name2 = $(this).find("esc").text(); var curso = $(this).find("curso").text(); $("#list").append("<li><a href='" + name + "'data-transition='slide'><h3 id='name'>" + name + "</h3></a></li>"); }); $('#list').listview('refresh');} \[/code\]