reload frames


New Member
This is my trouble:

I have a window with 2 frames. On the top frame, I have few buttons who specify the current document in the bottom frame and who allow to navigate to different urls (target = bottomframe).

After first load=

Button1 Activated Button2 Deactivated ...
bottomframe: correspond to button1 in this case

After click on button2=

Button1 Deactivated Button2 Activated ...
bottomframe: correspond to button2 in this case

When I reload my page, the buttons on the top frame take their initial status. In this case, only my first button has the status 'activated' but this doesn't correspond to the bottom frame loaded.

After reload=

Button1 Activated Button2 Deactivated ...
bottomframe: correspond always to button2 in this case

How to keep for the top frame the name of the bottom frame when I reload my page?

Thanks for any suggestions.