relative layers in netscape


I have many layers in my site which are relative to the position of table cells. I am using the DIV tag for these layers with a document style sheet which sets the div tag to "relative positioning". My site works fine in Explorer 5. However, in Netscape 4.7 my site is a mess! The layers seem to not be able to relative so I cannot see them in position. <br />
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Anyone with solutions will make me very happy cause I have a deadline for this design coming up very soon. Should I possibly use a different tag like "LAYER" or "ILAYER" - Im not sure if these will work relatively in Explorer AND Netscape. I have to use relative layers. Am I DOOMED ??!! <br />
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The site if you want to look at the code is at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... index3.htm</a><!-- m --> <br />
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THANKS. <br />
J<!--content-->That is a nice looking page.<br />
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Some thoughts;<br />
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I see you are defining DIV in the head section using "position: relative" but in each DIV tag you then change to position:absolute so the position:relative defined in the style sheet might not be doing anything. (Key word: might)<br />
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You are not using many layers, only 2 that I see, but you are using many DIVs, some on z-index:1 and some on z-index:2. <br />
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Unless someone comes up with a better suggestion, remove the position: relative defined in the style sheet and set the x,y coordinates of each DIV individually. This might take a little bit to figure out but should work in Netscape and IE.<br />
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So instead of:<br />
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<div id="aboutustitle" style="position:absolute; width:351px; height:91px; z-index:1; visibility: visible"><br />
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you might use:<br />
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<div id="aboutustitle" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;width:351px; height:91px; z-index:1; visibility: visible"><br />
<br />
or:<br />
<br />
<div id="aboutustitle" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:50%;width:351px; height:91px; z-index:1; visibility: visible"><br />
<br />
I know it can be tedious to determine the x,y coordinates for so many elements, and the above examples might clash with your java script, but many of your elements are in the exact same position, just visible or invisble.<br />
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You might also not worry about it since Netscapes browser share is low (10% maybe) and getting lower. <br />
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Maybe someone else will have something to contribute.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thanks for the help Kevin,<br />
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I am going to try that approach out and then get back to you if it works. I might also try to take off the realtive positioning of the layers, float them above the tables and use javascript to manipulate the positioning. I have been told by others that Netscape cannot handle relative layers AT ALL. Damn I hate that browser!<br />
DId the site look alright in Explorer 5?<br />
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Thanks again for all the help.<br />
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J.<!--content-->No luck with that method of changing the positioning values of the div tags.<br />
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Im getting desparate!!<br />
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I am going to try a little bit of Javascript positioning.<!--content-->The site looked good with IE5. Good luck, I don't know what else to tell you.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Still not going well here :(<br />
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I have changed the whole approach and I am not using relative layers any more cause Netscape 4.x does not understand them.<br />
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I have used a layer repositioning code from the site and I have put my layers in an internal style sheet.<br />
However, something is still going wrong and my layers are not visible now and they are not repositioning themselves.<br />
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You can check out the code if you want at <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... index8.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks for the help<br />
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Regards,<br />
Jeremy<!--content-->looking at your page... you might consider tables as an alternative. they are compatible with n4.7<!--content-->Wow that really sucks! The page (index3, index8 is messed up in both) looks fabulous in IE 5.5 but in Netscape 6 the positioning is way off. I wish I could offer some advice, but I don't know that much about style sheets. You might want to use tables, as Dr. Web suggested since they are a tried and true method.<!--content-->hmmmm,<br />
thanks for the advice, but using tables is not an option cause the client wants a fully dhtml solution so that everything loads at once and doesnt need to load again. The design is what makes using layers difficult because the bottom image needs to sit right up against the bottom of the browser.<br />
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What I have to do now is leave the Explorer version and I am going to create a version just for Netscape that uses a slightly modified design (still layers) and then I need to create an index page which checks the users browser and redirects.<br />
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Anybody know a very accurate and reliable browser-sniffer??<br />
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