I'm using PHP with MySQL on UNIX box running Apache and I need some help
relating two tables...
I have a table called Contact which holds records with standard contact
info (ContactID [unique], Name, Add1, Add2, State, Country, Zip, URL).
Each of these contacts falls into one or more Categories ...
I have a Categories table (CategoryID [unique], CategoryName) ...
And I have a CategoryContact (CategoryID, ContactID) table where I keep
track of which Contacts fall into which Catgeories ... so if for example
a Contact with a ContactID=7 qualified for Category X (which has a
Category ID=1) and also qualified for Category Y (which has a
CategoryID=2), than there would be to rows in CatgeoryContact ... 7,1
and 7,2.
How do I display all the Contacts that qualify for a particular
Please help!
I'm using PHP with MySQL on UNIX box running Apache and I need some help
relating two tables...
I have a table called Contact which holds records with standard contact
info (ContactID [unique], Name, Add1, Add2, State, Country, Zip, URL).
Each of these contacts falls into one or more Categories ...
I have a Categories table (CategoryID [unique], CategoryName) ...
And I have a CategoryContact (CategoryID, ContactID) table where I keep
track of which Contacts fall into which Catgeories ... so if for example
a Contact with a ContactID=7 qualified for Category X (which has a
Category ID=1) and also qualified for Category Y (which has a
CategoryID=2), than there would be to rows in CatgeoryContact ... 7,1
and 7,2.
How do I display all the Contacts that qualify for a particular
Please help!