Registro en 2 webs a la vez?


New Member
hola como podría hacer para que los usuarios se registren en 2 comunidades vb a la vez?
hay algún mod o algo?
gracias ;)

Itsuki Minami

New Member
lo unico posible de hacer es que un foro comparta una base de datos con otro pero eso implica toda la base de datos post modificaciones usuarios todo


New Member
si se puede hay una pagina que se llama vbulletin fans o algo asi que tiene eso si se pudiese hacer un puente entre las tablas users se podria hacer


New Member
si se puede wow
te registras en cualquiera de estas | | | |
y ya estas en todas

pero como ?¡ ¡¿


New Member
gracias por la información me viene de perlas esta opción ya que tengo varias comunidades y es una lata dos registros... haber si sacan algún hack o mod facilillo...


New Member
estaria bueno poder conseguir el mod... seria bastante util poder registrarse en una y que sirva en varias


New Member
MMM sera esto lo que buscan !!!

Simple vB User login and access control on non vB pages

Simple vB User login and access control on non vB pages - Forum

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Deluxe Login vb3.7 v 3.00

Deluxe vB User login and access control on non vB pages 
By [email protected]
Version 3.00 - March 21st, 2008
For vB 3.7.x

This document consists of 3 sections.
Installation, which is installation instructions, 
Usage which is basic usage commands,  
Troubleshooting which is common problems and their fixes

You are free to use and modify this script in anyway you like.
- Do not remove copyright notice
- Dont pass it off as your own work.

This script is provided free of charges, however If you use this on a commercial venture 
a small paypal donation to [email protected] would be apprecieated. :-)

This document consists of 3 sections.
Installation, which is installation instructions, 
Usage which is basic usage commands,  
Troubleshooting which is common problems and their fixes


This Hack consists of 2 parts.

Part 1.
Add the following 4 lines right at the top of every page that you want to have access control on your website.
***It is ESSENTIAL that there is NO spaces or anything else before these lines.***
Note that they must be .php pages, not .html
Note that you will have to modify the path in lines 2 and 3 to suit your site before you upload.

$curdir = getcwd ();
chdir ($curdir);

After this you have your 
<HTML> and <BODY> tags and the rest of your web page.

Where you want to have your login box place this block of code.


Part 2.
You will need to edit the file

You need to edit line 3
$forumpath = "";

Change this address to suit your site.

Upload this file to your website, and ensure that the path you entered in part 1 points to it.

UPGRADE FROM 2.10 to 3.00

There is no need to upgrade from 2.10 to 3.00
There is no functional difference.


This hack is lacking without some usage instructions so here they are.

You can resize avatars, keeping them to their origional proportions to make them fit your prefered layout.
For instance, if you are using a fixed width column layout.
Do this by editing lines 5 and 6 in login_inc.php
These values are in pixels.

We can use conditionals to hide or display depending on a number of things such as 
Logged in or out status,
or restrict to members of a specific usergroup.

We do this by using conditionals in php tags where the normal content of a webpage would go.

* If you want something only accessable to a certain usergroup, use this code in your webpage. This example is only visible to members of usergroup 6.
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '6' )
	echo "This is only visible to people in usergroup 6";}

* You can use a simple variation of this to restrict entire pages to a certain usergroup.
For example,
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == '6' )
	echo "Have stuff for here";
             } else {
             echo "You do not have permission for this page"; }

* Another use is to display different content to users depending on if they are logged in or not. For example

If ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']!=0)
	echo "Your logged in so we can display this";
	} else {
	echo "Your not logged in so we display this";


* Another use is to restrict advertising to people who are not logged in. For example 

if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] <1) { echo"add code stuff goes here"; } 

Of course you can play around with conditionals to do a whole range of things, these are just brief example snippets


If your reading this chances are you are having problems.

Here are some common causes and fixes.

1. If you get a message saying headers already sent or cookies already sent, chances are that there is something, even just a space before the 4 lines of code in part 1. Edit this and ensure that there are no spaces before it.

2. Path problems are the next biggest problem. Your paths must be exact else it will not work. Double check that all paths are correct.
If you are unsure what the path is place the following code in a page all by itself.

echo getcwd(); 

Name this file something like path.php then upload it to your website, browse to it and it will show you the exact path.

3. Appears to login ok, but wont show you as logged in
Often caused by the vB cookie path setting.
To fix log into you vB admin area;

AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Cookies and HTTP Header Options -> Path to Save Cookies
change 'Suggested Settings' dropdown from '/forums/' to '/' or ''

4. Subdomains and cross site logins
This is a known issue with many scripts (not just this one), sometimes fixable sometimes not. Its caused by vB, PHP and your hosts security measures.

Open your /forum/login.php file and look for this code:

   error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);   
Below that add

   define('SKIP_REFERRER_CHECK', true); 
Now save this and overwrite the file on the server with this one.

A further reported work around is to make a copy of the required Forum Forum files on your secound Server. Then you must set in the config.php on the second server to use the ip of the server won which the VB-Database is running.

5. Still got problems?
It may be a conflict with somthing already in your site.
To check this we can just make a simple page.
Call it test.php and use just this code in it.
(Make sure thetre is no whitespace before the 1st line)

$curdir = getcwd ();
chdir ($curdir);
This is a heading<br /> 
This is some more stuff <br /> 
And another line<br /> 
You get the idea<br /> 
Just place stuff as you normally would with HTML<br /> 
I use CSS to style and position on my site fwiw<br /> 
<br /> 
How about we put the login box right under here?<br /> 
<br /> 
Naturally, change paths to fit your forums, then upload it.
Browse to it and run it.

Itsuki Minami

New Member
weno xD mientras chekaba descubri un mentodo mas facil xD mil veces mas facil primero instalas los x foros (en este ejemplo diremos que 2) y eliges cual sera el que teine todos los usuarios en este caso los foros seran foro1 y foro2 ahora foro1 es el foro mas antiguo con todos los usuarios a este ni lo tocamos, ahora vamos al otro foro, es conveniente que foro2 sea unno nuevo por que en el metodo debes borrar las tablas que tengan en su nombre uso y recrearlas con este query:

     SELECT * FROM basededatosdelforo1.user;

en el caso de que tus foros tengan prefijo simplemente lo especificas ahora explicare las lineas por ejemplo

"CREATE VIEW user as" aqui user es la tabla de nuestro foro2 supongamos tiene prefijo tncs iria f2_user por ejemplo

"SELECT * FROM bdforo1.user;" aqui pues es bastante obvio cmo dice ahi bdfro1 quiere decir que ahi pondras el nmbre de la base de datos del foro1 y igual que antes user es la tabla de usuarios del foro1, de la misma manera suponiendo que tiene prefijo simplemente l escificas por ejempl f1_user, y eso es todo lo he probado y si ha servid y es bastante facil, hasta ahora n me ha dado problema y soluciona de manera super facil pero tiene una importante limitacion primero los x foros deben estar en el mismo servidor osea que usaran el mismo server mysql si no ps no funciona ;3 y weno ahi tienen espero les sirva cya!


New Member
ma staba intentando esto y me tiro:

consulta SQL: Documentación

FROM th3zon3_foro.user

MySQL ha dicho: Documentación
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'VIEW user as
SELECT * FROM th3zon3_foro.user' at line 1

la consulta que genere fue:

SELECT * FROM th3zon3_foro.user

no entiendo, en eso de user as, es para especificar el la bd del segundo foro?

Itsuki Minami

New Member
no no no no owo mira lo que tienesque hacer es cono eso que puse lo haces en la bd del foro 2 apuntando al foro 1, aparte recuerda tienes que tener mysql del 5 para arriba


New Member
em kreo ke ahi sta el problema
mi server usa: MySQL version 4.1.22-standard
em krees ke kon la otra solucion(la del‎ ) si lo pueda lograr??