Well, I recently installed a nulled vBulletin from one of the vbTeam release section threads, and for some reason, my registration page looks like this:
I've already installed some skins and mods so I don't want to re-install vBulletin over to try and fix this.
Well, after messing around with the HTML source of the page I discovered that the line which was causing it was this;
It's right above
If you change the bolded 'center' to 'left', it fixes up the layout. Trouble is, I can't find where to change it. Help?
I've already installed some skins and mods so I don't want to re-install vBulletin over to try and fix this.
Well, after messing around with the HTML source of the page I discovered that the line which was causing it was this;
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="[b]center[/b]">
It's right above
<td class="tcat">Register at SyncGames Forums</td>
If you change the bolded 'center' to 'left', it fixes up the layout. Trouble is, I can't find where to change it. Help?