Registration on GYSN ever?


New Member
Hey Guys,

I've been a little in-active lately thanks to my new site being a slight success. It's made me put a little time into it, taking me away from my loved communities.

Anyway, seeing as GYSN and vBTeam are in affiliation, I thought it'd be ok to ask here.
Since I found out about I've wanted to register, but every time, registrations are disabled. Either I'm always at a bad time, or they are never on...

As GYSN is my most trusted group (And vBTeam) I go there often to check releases and if I see something I like, I have to end up coming here ;) - Not a bad thing by any means, don't take it that way, but it's best to go to the source isn't it?

Any word on when registrations will come back up? Or if there's a secret person to contact for an invite? (Like Demonoid, lol)
- M
i guess they closed signup

i am a member of it, logged off tried register.php after the domain name but i was getting some message
Yeah, you get a "You Must Accept the Forum Rules"

But you can't until you register, but you can't register until you accept.
So either they've glitched it up, or it's a side effect of closing registration.
I had the same problem, even sent a message through the contact form and never got a reply from them... Too bad, seems like a good place to be.
(NOT official notice)
GYSN is currently closed for new registrations, to be honest not even vBTEAM know whats going over there atm...... what we do know is that ther intentions are to make BIG changes to their forums and so this is probably the reason for the lack of recent nulled releases.